3 easy steps

to start buying and selling

  • <span> 01. </span> Create your wallet
    01. Create your wallet
    Fusce ac justo ligula. Pellentesque ac metus a turpis bibendum scelerisque. Pellentesque orci eget.
  • <span> 02. </span> Make payments
    02. Make payments
    Fusce ac justo ligula. Pellentesque ac metus a turpis bibendum scelerisque. Pellentesque orci eget.
  • <span> 03. </span> Buy or sell bitcoins
    03. Buy or sell bitcoins
    Fusce ac justo ligula. Pellentesque ac metus a turpis bibendum scelerisque. Pellentesque orci eget.

Why our clients choose us

Fusce ac justo ligula. Pellentesque ac metus a turpis bibendum scelerisque. Pellentesque ac orci eget urna vestibulum consequat rutrum vitae purus.

  • Cloud mining

    Cloud mining

    Nam ex sem, lacinia eget libero id, pulvinar lacinia dui. Fusce vitae felis vehicula, luctus libero, tristique lorem.
  • Profitable exchange

    Profitable exchange

    Etiam arcu lorem, feugiat quis lorem eu, accumsan interdum orci. Vestibulum bibendum sed nulla id ullamcorper.
  • Stable profit

    Stable profit

    Sed vehicula, enim at lobortis condimentum, nunc sapien euismod justo, ut tempor metus nisl sed dolor.
  • Reliable protection

    Reliable protection

    Nam ex sem, lacinia eget libero id, pulvinar lacinia dui. Fusce vitae felis vehicula, luctus libero, tristique lorem.
  • Professional support

    Professional support

    Maecenas viverra ullamcorper rhoncus. Ut gravida lacus eget fringilla hendrerit.
  • No hidden commissions

    No hidden commissions

    Etiam arcu lorem, feugiat quis lorem eu, accumsan interdum orci. Vestibulum bibendum sed nulla id ullamcorper.

Our clients say

ICT Manager
Norman Finance
ICT Manager

Impressive expertise and Customer Service! Provided Top-Notch Web & Email Host, Cloud-Drive, Cyber Security, and Loan Management System Solutions for our Firm. A game changer in the IT Industry.

Ideal Loans
CEO & Managing Director

We have tried a few ISPs in Port Moresby with our email and encountered lots of interruptions resulting in a loss of business. Finally, we received an email from the Techswitchon Kupa Technology team but we did not respond until we received one and responded to give it a try. you know what it was a game changer service. If you have lots of issues with Email send & Receive, website, Loan Management software, desktop support, or other computer software and hardware procurement and consultation services we do highly recommend Techswitchon Kupa Technology. They have designed our professional website and integrated it with a cloud-based solution to manage our finance business.

Universal Service
Founder & Managing Director

We do not want to say much here. What a great IT service provider we have come across after 15 years in business. We give 10/10 and also a 5-star Rate for their unbitable IT services.

United Finance
ICT Administrator

Techswitchon Kupa Technology revolutionised our Professional Email & Web Host with Online Loan Application. Their Proactive approach and comprehensive services are unmatched. Truly the best in Papua New Guinea.

My clients and partners

Be in touch

Use our application to monitor the status of loans

Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer malesuada turpis id fringilla suscipit. Maecenas ultrices, orci vitae convallis mattis, quam nulla vehicula felis, eu cursus sem tellus eget elit. Proin lacinia gravida elit, et sollicitudin velit.

  • Quick loan order
  • Status monitor
  • Easy to use
  • Bones system
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